October 6, 2017
Omega-3 fatty acids have positive effects on many aspects of pregnancy. An increased intake of EPA and DHA during pregnancy has been shown to prevent pre-term labour and delivery, lower the risk of preeclampsia and may increase the birth weight. EPA has also been postulated in research to bring positive effects to the mood of the mother and subsequent developm... August 23, 2017 The shoguns called it “Tokubetsu no Miyage”, which means precious gift. The coastal residents and fishermen in Micronesia referred to it as the “miraculous oil”. In ancient times, deep-sea sharks’ liver oil has been hailed as a source of power, force, energy, vitality and a “cure-all”. Sharks’ liver oils have been harnessed to cure a wide range of conditions e... July 6, 2017 Quality products are the pride to a maker’s workmanship and labels are supposed to be windows to a product, bringing assurance and promises of quality to consumers. However, many product labels have distracting information and fish oil soft gels may not be filled to the brim with goodness as expected. <...
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Shark Squalene Products: What’s Bad About It?
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Is Your Fish Oil Filled With Goodness, Or Only Part Of It?
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